Terms and conditions

By submitting material to AsPerceived as a letter or comment, you give AsPerceived permission to use that material free of charge. Such material may be altered or edited for legal or editorial purposes and published in part or in its entirety.

In editing material, we will strive to maintain the sense as we understand it.

Copyright in submitted material remains with the contributor. The licence to publish granted to AsPerceived is not exclusive.

AsPerceived will make every effort to ensure that metadata remains attached to all image files but cannot accept responsibility for separation.

Potential contributors are urged not to take undue risks or break the laws of any jurisdiction in researching or producing material for submission.

In submitting unsolicited material, you certify that:

  • you are over 16 years of age, unless the material is accompanied by identifiable confirmation of your identity by a parent or guardian who will certify that the material is original, not in any way illegal or defamatory, or was not acquired illicitly, that it does not infringe other rights – such as privacy and copyright;
  • material is original, not in any way illegal or defamatory, or was not acquired illicitly, that it does not infringe other rights – such as privacy and copyright.

If you are submitting material which promotes organisational interests, then this should be stated clearly. Material which is later discovered to be promoting such interests without an appropriate disclosure will be removed – with a statement noting this in its place.

Contributors’ names will be published unless a specific request for anonymity is made (with good reason) when a submission is made. AsPerceived may contact you to verify your identity or seek additional information for legal or editorial reasons.

AsPerceived cannot accept any responsibility for the veracity or legality of other sites or links to social or other media.

As copyright persists after death, contributors should ensure that their executors or heirs are aware of any published material which may have residual value.

AsPerceived will normally retain information for six years after publication, stored either on password-protected server or in storage facilities compliant with UK data protection legislation. Paper documents will be destroyed confidentially while digital records will be deleted.