Expecting the worst from the worst: recalibrating representative democracy

The Palace of WestminsterQUESTION TIME: Misplaced expectations may be among the reasons for mutual perceptions of distance between politicians and people. Picture: (c) AsPerceived.

DISCONNECTION has become the political byword of 2016 as pollsters and pundits try to explain the emergence of Donald Trump from the electoral college to become president-elect of the United States and the majority of active voters “advising” the UK government to leave the European Union. http://amzn.to/2fHKWIw

But are the electoral systems of the UK and the US, with the first-past-the-post and electoral college systems respectively, part of the problem?

That’s one of the questions posed by journalist Frank Bradford in the first edition of a new anthology of contemporary journalism – AsPerceived Quarterly.

Frank tells how, in June this year, the coincidence of a comment column by Steve Chapman that appeared in the Chicago Tribune a few hours before UK MP Jo Cox was killed provoked thoughts about the relationship between the systems and those who are elected to office.

‘Participating in a democratic society is a thankless duty that seldom repays the effort,’ write Steve Chapman.

‘If we want better government,’ counters Frank Bradford, ‘we need better people in government – and that means that we, each and every one of us, must – as (the reaction after) Jo Cox’s death showed us we can – do our bit to make it a thankful rather than thankless task.”

Read Frank Bradford’s full piece in AsPerceived Quarterly ­ – available from amazon.com in US dollars or amazon.co.uk in sterling.





About the Author

As Perceived Reporter
AsPerceived reporters produce original material or follow-up news stories as they develop.